Trip planning

Shopping in Italy: what is profitable to carry

Italy is attractive for tourists not only as a country of interesting sights, magnificent sea and mountain resorts, fun holidays and festivals, but also as a place for excellent shopping. Shopping in Italy during the holidays is not only enjoyable and exciting, but also very useful and profitable: many goods, the cost of which in Russian stores are extremely high, can be purchased here at very affordable prices.

Due to the fact that the assortment of products in Italian stores and outlets is wide and varied, the quality of products is high, and prices are very reasonable, shopping trips to Italy are gaining more and more popularity every year. You can buy everything from underwear to a car, but the most profitable purchases are excellent leather goods, luxurious fur coats and great wines.

Leather products

Italy has long been famous for leather products of excellent quality, it is here that about 70% of all tanneries in Europe are concentrated. Italian bags, jackets and shoes are soft, design and a wide variety of colors, and are considered one of the highest quality in the world market.

Italy has long been famous for excellent quality leather goods.

Italian leather goods in Russian stores are quite expensive, the margin is from 200 to 400% - which is why it is better to make purchases in Italy itself. If you have enough money to buy branded items from the latest collections - immediately go to the boutiques, where you will find great things from famous designers. If the price matters to you, it is worth organizing a shopping tour of Italian outlets - they are in the suburbs of all major cities.

But the most profitable shopping in Italy they are made in spatches - special shops at factories where items from both new and past collections are presented at very attractive prices. In these stores you can buy great women's and men's shoes, bags, wallets, belts, gloves, as well as leather raincoats and jackets.

Goods in batches are sold both wholesale and retail, the prices in factory stores are lower than the prices in city boutiques by half. If you are the owner of the exhibition size of clothes or shoes, the price can be reduced by 70-80%. Discounted goods are sold in batches throughout the year, and during winter and summer sales prices are reduced by another 20-30%. The only drawback of the spatches is their location, but transportation costs are fully compensated by the difference in prices.

Fur coats from Italy

According to statistics, about 40% of the fur coats produced in Italy are purchased by Russian buyers, and this is not surprising: in our climatic conditions, a good fur coat is not a luxury, but an urgent need. Russians love Italian fur coats not only for their excellent quality, but also for their magnificent design, which is famous for both products of fashion houses and fur coats produced by lesser-known fur factories.

The most fashionable and expensive designer fur coats from the latest collections are sold in boutiques in Rome and Milan, for less expensive, but no less stylish and elegant fur coats, it is better to go to outlets or shops at fur factories located in the suburbs of Bologna, Rimini and San Marino.

Stylish fur coats in factory stores are 20-30% cheaper

The prices for fur coats in Italy depend not only on the type of fur and its consumption on the product, but also on the manufacturing factory - for manufacturers with well-developed names, prices are always an order of magnitude higher.

Stylish fur coats from excellent fur in shops at factories are 20-30% cheaper than the same products presented in luxury stores, when compared with prices in Russian stores, the difference reaches 200-300%. For exhibition samples, an additional discount is given, which is 30-40% of the initial price. Special discounts await those who plan purchase of a fur coat in Italy in the summer, despite the fact that seasonal discounts on fur products are not too large, the price difference is still noticeable.

Italian wines

True wine connoisseurs know that real Italian wines are best purchased in Italy - in this sunny country are some of the best wineries in the world. The most expensive and exquisite wines are produced in northern Italy, wines from the southern regions of the country are considered simpler.

Wines in Italy are sold everywhere - in large supermarkets, and in specialized stores, and in shops at wineries. Of course, preferable buying wine in Italy in the region of its production - in this case there are more chances to buy real wine at an affordable price. If time permits, you should go on an excursion trip to one of the wineries - there you will have the opportunity not only to taste the wine, but also to see the process of its production, which is interesting. Almost all wineries have their own shops where you can purchase their products at very attractive prices.

Italy has some of the best wineries in the world.

If it’s not possible to go to the winery, it’s better to go to a good Italian wine enotec - A specialized store, and there the assortment is much wider than in a regular store, and sellers are more knowledgeable. Since there are a lot of varieties of wines, and everyone has different tastes, it is worth telling the seller about his wishes and preferences, and he will certainly help you make a decent choice.

Wine prices are very different, for example, the cost of the popular Italian Chianti can range from ten to several hundred euros - it depends on the prestige of the winery, wine production technology, aging. In order not to be disappointed, do not buy too cheap wines, it is better to stop at drinks of the middle price segment.

Choosing a good wine will always help at Enoteca

Often in Italian shops you can find wines in vessels braided by a bast - this is not an indicator of the high quality of wine, but just a marketing move, modern manufacturers have not used braided bottles for a long time. Experienced travelers are also not advised to do shopping in Italy in places of tourist congestion - for sure wine prices will be overestimated. Well, more about Italian wine BlogoIaliano wrote in an article The best regions of Italy for wine connoisseurs. Have a good trip.

Photos by: Dzhingarova, The Two Wolves, Funkybug, Leslie, TRÈS BIEN, Stefano Costantini.

Watch the video: Restaurant Start up Mistakes: How to open a Restaurant (October 2024).

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